Aug 04, 2005 22:23
So im Sitting Here With a Friend, HE had to go out side and use the phone ..he was talking to his mom but my house is loud so he stepped outside.But my Friend thats over hum he could be a possible <3 something lol but then im really not sure bc i FEEL like theres something better ya know and i usually listen to my feelings lolSo who knOWs were just HAnging OUt anyWays *.Were looking online for tickets for concerts.Bc were music freaks ANd want to go to a million concerTS!But tomorrow night dukes of hazrad comes out i really want to go and i think i am <3 Ohh and By the Way we MAde it home as you can see .We stoped and tried using a pay phone again but were really just not good at it bc we couldnt get it to work really is alot harder than yuo think lol.i aready miss st augustine : ( lol i love it there.Theres only a couple days untill school im so freaking stoked its going to be amazing i <3 school!
But im going to go bc im being rude lol.
<3 kirsten