Jul 17, 2005 13:38
Uh So lasT night my PArents had a party with there friends here...one crazy night They All left at 6..in the MorNING i Was Up so LATE!
-Soo I watched laguna beach Yesterday *wish i Was There*
-So i COulD be At A party Or jUSt hAnginG ouT with Friends Having A gOOd timE* But i Always FeeL liKe SomeThing iS miSSing .Its liKe everyOne is At there PriME havinG thE tiME oF there Lives GettIng what They Want And DeserVE, Im ALWAYS so HAppY and Kind And SmilE 24-7 * YET i NeVer GeT whAt i Want *
i Wish i COuld Get whAT i wanTEd...Just OncE.
-My SistEr TeLLs me I set mY standarDs tOO hiGh and Thats Why i Am BoyFriend Less...But i Dont Care I preTTy much Want The pErFect B.F or Not One At aLL : )
-Im So ExtRemleY tiRed I goTTa gEt Some Sleep ...
-GeTTing My phONe TurnED bacK on TOmorroW*
Ok Thats All NOt Much TooO SaY*
-I guEss im GoinG to COntinUE to SmilE and ACT as If EveryThings OK.CanT waiT unTill EvEryThing ReaLLy is OK and My MR perfect comEs AlonG*
<3 kirsteN