Nov 20, 2009 13:12
Wife's machine updated to 10.6.2. I'd waited to do the 10.6 update because of the "/home folder deletes itself" problem but since 10.6.2 fixed that little bug I felt it was safe. So far everything is working fine.
My Win 7 machine is up and running great with the $50 student upgrade of Win 7 Pro. A bit annoyed that the pro version didn't include Bitlocker but since TrueCrypt has been updated to work with Win 7 that's not really such a huge deal.In fact TrueCrypt is currently about 23% through encrypting my current Boot volume on the Desktop. Next step is locking down the netwok connections coming into and going out of the house. That's going to probably require a co- located VPN though and that involves cost.
Speaking of cost the job hunt could be going better but overall it's moving forward slowly.
Been on a very low calorie diet lately. I believe things are going well with the average caloric intake being under 1000 calories a day. Most days it's actually closer to 800 but I've set the limit at 1000. I'm doing it under doctors care, in prep for something else. Once that date is actually set I'll post about it but until then I'm keeping it to myself.
Things are good overall and life is fun.