Jan 24, 2011 03:08
I am learning about "Reality".
I am not in this reality quite yet.]
I am taking a break from dancing in the delicate dance of possibilities in which I often find myself to have two left feet.
Dance with me.
'Tis jarring to travel in the multiple 'Directions' and Planes of possible Realities yet it is all I can do to find that place some would call "Sanity".
Words are boxes that can and are packed with meaning, shipped somewhere or nowhere through various means then either repackaged and resent or unpacked by another party only to open the box and encounter completely different 'Meaning' behind that which just traveled. The second (or third or fourth ad infinitum) party picks up out of the box a triangle where a circle was placed, or vice versa, versa vice, vice vice, or versa versa. Where a flavor was placed, a pungent odor emerges, and thus where I send a box of words with a meaning of one form, you receive either directly or indirectly an envelope or mailing tube filled or not with a something or a nothing moderately, vaguely or not at all distinguishable from that which was originally placed inside.
A short list of my Realities include
_"God"; which can carry more meaning than is possibly comprehendable by our lump of gray matter, or none at all. An all-powerful old caucasian bearded dude, a dreadlocked black woman, an umbrella under which a wide spectrum of demi-gods live; or a stupid fucking overused three-letter word with which this species would do much better without.
_"Psychic" otherwise known as Psycho-Logical; Nature coupled with nurture. My upbringing, biology, lessons, outlook, past experiences and everything Dr. So-and-so blathered on about in our intro to Psych class we were too hungover and anxious to get up out of to give much of a shit about. Both semesters.
_"Social" as in my "Place" in "Society" and "Geopolitics". Sure, I'm American and Nicaraguan thanks to little bound papers and documents claiming I am such; but burn the papers, erase the documents, and realize that "Borders" and "Social Structure" are simply a figment of our collective hallucination; AND NOW WHAT THE FUCK AM I?
_"Physico-Biological" puts me in the genus Sapien Species Homo. THAT"S RIGHT I MUST BE A HOMO. Stab me and I'll bleed, drown me I will die, feed me and I'll live. I seem to display all 'normal' attributes of whatever the current definition of Life is, yet is this really enough to prove I am alive as fact?
Out of sheer boredom I enjoy sitting behind my cognitive dials and slowly tweaking each one; to experience reality from the perspective of a growing number of reality-perspectives dulls my boredom once again and for the time being I am amused.