Uni Update, and good movies

Mar 02, 2008 09:30

So I decided that I would offer myself for the tutoring job at uni, on the proviso that he can cope without me for the first week. I had considered trying to find other people who could pick the visitors up from the airport, get them down to the Coromandel etc, but I thought about it, and I made a commitment that I'd do that. I'm sure my cousin wouldn't have minded, given the opportunity, but I'm doing my best to stick to my commitments at the moment, and so that's what I'm doing. Emailed the lecturer yesterday, but of course its the weekend, so I may not receive a reply until Monday morning, giving me about 5 hours (during which I'm working), to slip in to see him, grab any material I can, so that I can study the entire week I'm away and try to get myself up to speed. I think I'm going to have to cram a lot harder for this than for any paper I've done before.

I've talked to a few people about this, and everyone has been overwhelmingly positive (with the exception of one friend, and I'm pretty certain she was just looking out for my sanity). So, boots and all, here I go. Of course, he may still decide he doesn't want me. But the ball's in his court now.

Caught up with my friend Teresa last night, which was cool - she lives out of town, so we only tend to see each other a few times a year. Thinking about it, she along with Eileen is now one of my longest-standing friends, since I don't really keep in regular touch with anyone from school days (I was going to call her my oldest friend, but I would have been punched, repeatedly). We went and caught Juno, which I have been hanging out to see since I first saw the trailer. And it did not disappoint. Clever, slightly geeky, wonderfully cool soundtrack, and eminently quotable lines which managed to somehow be wonderfully applicable to my life. I walked out feeling happy, having laughed myself silly, very nearly cried, and generally enjoyed myself muchos. I've been movieboy for about 12 years now, but occasionally I get a little jaded - Juno is one of those films that restores my faith.

I had one or two little quibbles, I always do, but they couldn't over-ride my enjoyment. If I had the chance, I'd go and see it again tonight! (I've only ever paid to see 2 films 2 nights in a row - Amelie, and The Ice Storm, and both would feature on any list of my favourite films of all time)

So onwards, and upwards - I now have about 24 hours to get everything sorted before I get myself away, so work is to be done, and I'm still meant to be catching up with another friend tonight, if I can find the time. I see her about as regularly as I see Teresa, even though she lives about 3 mins drive away, so I feel like I should make an effort!

ramble, university, review

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