Cheese Died, fuck off Macaroni

Jul 18, 2009 20:08


I wish that there was a more simple, less complex way of going about this.
But there isn't cause I have tried. I have tried to be nice, I have tried to be friends but he couldn't handle that, I told him repeatedly i did not like the position I was forced into. I was constantly hurting him and constantly trying to watch everything I did and said so that I did not cause further pain. He would beg me to tell him things that I just couldn't cause it would hurt.

I cannot be nice about it anymore.
I just don't love alex, I don't want anything to do with him and he does not seem to fucking understand this.
I have to be the adult, I am the one over age, the one who would be put in jail, who would lose everything, my entire life and everything I've built for myself to this point. It is not much but if I threw it all away I would have nothing, I would have no one ever ever again.

He wants me to give up my whole world for him and what would he give me? A few months of immature shoddy relationship status before he grew out of it and realized I was right from the beginning? AWESOME.

I won't do it. I'm not in love with him, I do not want him, being friends doesn't even mean anything. What good of friends can we be, he and i when we live so far apart with his mother not wanting us to talk. So we sneak around?

BEEN THERE DONE THAT and that relationship failed too. I wanted us to remain friends but we can't. it's over, it's BEEN OVER FOR OVER A YEAR!
A year ago last feb, and we only really hung out twice. That's no relationship, especially since it was built on lies. just... just stop.... just go away and leave me alone.
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