... to the benefit of our one billion citizens

Jan 12, 2023 09:58

Joint Declaration on EU-NATO Cooperation, 10 January 2023
European Council Press release 10 January 2023 12:30

9. Our mutually reinforcing strategic partnership contributes to strengthening security in Europe and beyond. NATO and the EU play complementary, coherent and mutually reinforcing roles in supporting international peace and security. We will further mobilize the combined set of instruments at our disposal, be they political, economic or military, to pursue our common objectives to the benefit of our one billion citizens.

Press contacts
Barend Leyts
Spokesperson for the European Council President
+32 486 22 68 65
+32 2 281 5150

Капитализъм, не надо питать иллюзий, миромодераторы, за все хорошее, сыну, НАТО

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