Dec 20, 2005 02:58
Ok, so first things first, tomorrow restarts the wedding diet. I destroyed that the past 2 days. Oy vey. So, we will be working overtime on that. Maybe I'll go for a run too. That would be crazy. Maybe not, it's pretty damn cold out there. I'ma be so out of shape when I go back and try to play lacrosse. *tear* I mentioned it quickly in the last entry, but Tori's bachelorette party and bridal shower were this weekend. Both were very fun and went very well. Lots of hard work paid off. Cleaning the garage was a bitch, it looked like a bombed went off or something. (Hah.. I said or something, oh SC, how I miss thee.)
I've definitely been doing a hell of a lot of thinking lately too. There's just lots of things that I'm ready to make changes about. Maybe this New Years I'll make some resolutions that I may just try and keep. I'm sure I made a list last year, that I've probably completely bombed. But I seriously would like to make some changes in my life. I've just been thinking about who I am and where I'm going in life and the things that I want to be able to do. I've been trying to figure out how to make myself happy. And maybe to be happy I'll have to start giving and working a little bit harder, but I think it will be worth it. After all, somethings are worth fighting for. I just want to get myself into a healthy, happy, and emotionally stable place.
This past year was an amazing year of my life. I've definitely had some experiences that I will never ever forget. I traveled to the keys, transferred schools and moved away for college, fell in love, made it through my first year of college, and just so many other events and small days that just have changed who I am. I've realized I'm not the same girl that I was in high school. I'm not the same girl I was when I started college. But I am who I am now. And there's still lots of changes that I'm going to go through. And lots more experiences that will shape my life. The idea of a New Year makes me smile. It makes me feel like I can start fresh and be whoever it is that I want. I'm tired of being what my friends, or family want me to be. It's time to just be me for me. Maybe what I want is stupid, but it's what I want. Although I'm sure I'll never know if things are exactly what I want, it's my mistakes to make.
It was nice sitting talking with Melissa and Erin tonight. It was just so simple. I think maybe that was my problem. I just can't do things simple. Melissa was right before, the guys that I dated in highschool really fucked up my idea of dating. They are not the norm. They aren't how it's normally done. I'm really glad I got some of my thoughts off my chest tonight too. It makes me feel like I'm kind of going in the right direction. I just need to keep going and hopefully things will work out well.
This break has just been extremely strange already. I think I'm ready to go back to SC and put my life back together. There's too many variables here. I just need to go where I can think things through clearly and go for it. I need to just try and figure out how to make things better. And here it's just not going to work.
Anyway, things are just in a weird state right now. But I would take a lifetime in limbo, then nothing at all. Call me a glutton for torture, but it's the way things work. So I wish everyone the best during the holiday season this year. And may your wishes come true, as I hope mine will. :)