Dec 17, 2004 23:14
wEdnEsday:went to lifetime with lisa.FIRST time there.soo much fun. first we went on bicycle steps,then bicyicle thing then 700 crunches man and then we swam and went in the steam room(new favorite thing). im getting a membership there baby and me & lise are gonna go lyk every week er w/e! gotta do it again<3
tHurSdaY:sammi piked me up. then we went to rachels and waited for V..hah. then we went to the game. 2nd row baby!!!! me and rachel kept waving and we got waves from tayshaun prince and antonio mcdyess and some otherssshaha<3 RIP HAMILTON IS FUCKIN HOTT DUDE. and im in love with hisss mask!! (favorite playyyerr bitches)<3. rachel bought me a ben wallace jersey..thanks babe. and me and rach wwent in her dads suite for a lil..PIMPED OUT BITCCCCH. and we got dip n dots..yum. then she dropped me off.thanks babex3
fRiday(toDay)--went to bham with lisa,haylee,ashley& lauren.had a fucking awesomeeee time dude. soo funn. and we saw a bunccccccccccha people there. and it was a great night!!<3 gotta do it againn girlsss
tomArroW:going to ashleys with haylee,lisa and lauren later on that night.
tomarrow is LISAS BIRTHDAY bitchesss! love youu baby gurll
sUNday:going to work on science project with haylee and i think erin b? lisa cant come bc she has something to do with her parents..we'll miss you babe.
okay thats ittt.xOx
P.S.sissy i love you and ill never ferget the times.. :(