Mar 17, 2003 21:25
ok is it just me or is everybody really dramatic these days? like i'm just reading lots of different livejournals and everything is so dramatic and intense...don't get me wrong i do this too. it's just funny...i don't know..maybe that's mean to say. and you know how lots of kids are so depressed these days? man it's all the computer and tvs fault. kids these days don't put anything into life. they've got nothing that they're working on. have you ever noticed how happy you become when you've got like a project (not school related) that you're working on? like people need work to be happy...and not just work to make money. but the natural need to work on something and make it's rockin.
my preacher did this awesome sermon the other day talkin about how society has lost it's soul...did you know that they took away recess in public elementary schools in ga? and what for???? so that we get better grades to get into better colleges to make more money to do the same thing to our kids. recess is when we learn the most important to interact with eachother and life.
and here's something else he talked about. there are 3 sections of the brain that we earned in evolution. there is the brain section we got from reptiles...this is survival of the fittest and how to succeed. the second is what we got from becoming mammals this is the need to nurture and love (reptiles eat their babies). then when we became humans we earned learning from things...and how to learn. society is only concerned about the 1st and 3rd sections of the brain. learning and being number at everything we do. but what happened to the most important section of the brain? love and nurture. it's left out...and society has no soul.
ok there was my rant and rave for the evening...maybe you agree, maybe you don't...if you don't i wanna hear your side man!