Feb 05, 2004 19:18
a few things to write about these. first off i never wrote about last weekend and the rome experience. let me say it was soooo worth the road trip. elizabeth and i had such a rockin time. it was good to see all the roman boys. josh and dalton's performance was absolutely amazing acoustic...it blew me away so much that i teared up in one song...that's so lame. punchdrunk rocked it...those boys sure are hot...i'm so pumped they're spending the night at my house this saturday. after the show we hit up the waho as usual. next we headed to ty's house for some funny funny times such as the elvis chicken (too hard to explain). after that we went back to kevin's and then to seth's to hang 10 in seth's studio. we were up until about 6 in morning talkin about evvvvvverything there is to talk about from religion to beastiality (however it is spelled). it was quite funny. the next morning elizabeth and i headed back home. what a great night.
second thing to write about is the zen priest at school yesterday. he rocked! he had so much rad stuff to say and when he talked he was just so happy and he'd close his eyes and sway and talk. i wanted to ask him lots of questions but for some reason i didn't.
thirdly...i almost died twice today. i swear. so i'm sitting in home room right? just chillin talkin to some folks when all of the sudden from the ceiling falls this huuuuuge brown furry spider that drops onto my bag. it was like one inch from landing ontop of my head and biting me and then i would die...ok so maybe it's a stretch of death. but it was scary! then in art i decided i want to add a lightbulb to my sculpture. i knew that cutting back a cord and exposing the wires and then plugging it into the wall was very dumb....but i just wanted to try. so i did that and then put the end of the light bulb to the wires and i now know the meaning of "goodness gracious great balls of fire!" it was a ball of fire man! ward and i jumped and were all like "aaaaaaaaaah!" but it was funny and i laugh about it now. so that was my crazy day.
i hate this cold weather mixed with research on a tale of two cities for the term paper. i love petit prince though! i love all of the underlying meanings. this weekend will be lots of fun i believe. never forget show friday at swayzes then punchdrunk boys at the maison saturday...rad.