Aug 23, 2003 01:20
ok so may i say that 311 tooootally rocked it tonight??? i mean totally! kudos to ward and elena lending there 16th row seats! rad guys! ok so maybe things didn't go how i thought them to..but maybe that better?? who knows..i certainly don't. the coolest thing ever happened on the way home tonight. i was standing in the marta station checkin out hot boys and all of the sudden i realize this hot man wearing "locals" flip flops!!! how can this be?!?! they only sell them in hawaii grocery stores!!! i go talk to the man and tap him on the shoulder. we have this long convo and he tells me about living there and i tell him about my trip...amazing! so right afterwards i called rachel to tell her! awesome! good to hear her voice. she's goin to the same show i went to tonight in two nights. then i emailed aaron cause i miss the boy and talked to erica. seein those flip flops was like the island of hawaii callin to me sayin casey we haven't forgot you just because school has started! on another has started! totally unbelievable! i mad it through the first week! insane.