[Ficlet] Tadami (2/5)

Mar 11, 2008 02:16

This one's over twice as long as Hina's, and actually way more serious. XD Ohkura once said if he did turn into a girl, he'd go out trying to pick up men. So... >D Also, Hina's part is now technically part 2 of the 5, or 4 of the 7 if you count the original two. And this is part 4, or 6. If you see what I mean. ^^' The order is less than important, really!

Title: Tadami
Pairing: Some RyOhkura
Rating: PG-13
Notes: Ohkura is a girl. Ryo decides he needs looking after.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction.

It’s Yasu who gets the mail from Ohkura. “He’s sick, apparently,” he explains, slightly puzzled.

“Sick? What’s wrong with him?” asks Hina.

“He didn’t say…” Yasu says. “You don’t think he’s caught… that do you?”

They all take a moment to think about it. And the fact that Ohkura has chosen to stay home, alone, and act all mysterious about it.

Hina shudders. “Oh well, at least we only have Janiben tapings today. No-one will notice the difference,” he says confidently.

After they’re done, Ryo has to go to Tokyo to prepare for an appearance with NEWS. It’s not till tomorrow, but he likes to get there early, relax and have a nice rest at his Tokyo apartment.

He gets there in decent time, so he figures he’ll go out for a quick drink, maybe call some Tokyo friends later and ask if they want to meet up. He goes to his regular bar, settling himself in with a beer and checking out today’s clientele. Only one person catches his eye - a tall woman, with short brown hair, and a pouty smile. Her make-up is perfect, she’s confident and fully aware that she’s captivated the men on either side of her at the bar, as well as a few others Ryo can see.

She’s chatting away with the man to her left - or at least, he’s talking, she’s nodding and smiling in an alluring sort of fashion - it’s a shame she’s so tall, Ryo thinks, or he’d have a go himself. Hell, he might as well have a go anyway, he thinks - just to keep his hand in…

He decides he’ll hang around until she inevitably notices him and realises he’s cool and forgets the other guys, so he starts to make his way over. It’s funny, in the dim light of the bar he thinks she reminds him of someone…

When he realises she’s seen him he actually has cause for dismay - girls don’t usually make such a face of horror when they see Ryo approaching, but he soon realises why she looks so mortified.

“Tacchon?!” he manages, voice squeaking in an effort not to yell the place down.

“Ryo-chan…” Ohkura says weakly.

“What the hell…?!” Ryo knows full well what’s happened - they were right, earlier, Ohkura has caught the girl disease, and he’s turned out the best so far, Ryo can see: his face and figure are beautifully proportioned, and he’s somehow managed to get himself a classy outfit.

Once again, Ryo is struck with disappointment at their difference in heights. It’s not as great as it is when they’re both guys, but Ryo really prefers a girl at least 10 centimetres shorter than him… He squeezes his eyes shut, trying to chase that thought away.

“What are you doing here?” he grits out as Ohkura gapes at him, floundering.

“Is this guy your boyfriend?” says the actually irritatingly handsome guy who Ohkura was talking to.

Ohkura smiles. “No no, we’re just friends -” he starts, but Ryo inserts himself between him and the guy and smiles thinly.

“Well, there are things we need to talk about if you’ll excuse us,” he says coolly, taking Ohkura’s elbow and steering him away.

“Would you have gone home with that guy?!” is the first thing Ryo exclaims when they’re out of earshot. Ohkura has never heard him so scandalised.

“Depends how many drinks he bought me,” Ohkura says lightly. “He was good-looking, don’t you think?”

Ryo can’t answer right away. “He wasn’t all that,” he mutters eventually. The only reason he’s reacting so weirdly is some sort of protective instinct, he’s sure; it’s the same way he feels about his younger sister. Yes. “Come on, I’ll buy you a drink,” he offers gruffly. “I can see you need to be kept out of trouble.”

Ohkura smiles his closed-mouth smile. “Ryo-chan’s so kind~!” he trills.

“Stop that,” grouches Ryo. He’s too sober to not find that annoying, but he rectifies that quickly.

“But Ryo-chan, I just wanted to see if I could turn heads,” Ohkura is saying, several drinks later. “You know, make guys stand up and pay attention,” he giggles.

Ryo rolls his eyes. He’s still not drunk enough to laugh at Ohkura’s scary female innuendoes. “Oh, you’re doing that alright,” he mumbles. Every so often he notices a guy sneak a lecherous look at Ohkura’s long legs and full, juicy lips. Bastards, he thinks darkly. Wanting to take advantage of a naïve woman alone. “No-one could exactly ignore you,” he points out. “That’s why you need to be careful!”

Ohkura beams. “Ryo-chan, does that mean you think I’m hot?”

Ryo downs the last of his drink so he can blame his flush on the alcohol. “You know you are. You don’t need anyone to tell you that, you attention whore,” he says affectionately.

Ohkura rests his head on Ryo’s shoulder lightly. “It means more, coming from you,” he says, and Ryo has to squish the childish flash of pride that springs up inside him. “I thought you might not like me, ‘cos my boobs aren’t as big as Hina-chan’s. Stupid body…” Only Ohkura could wake up the opposite gender and complain about his lack of chest. Ryo suspects this is why he didn’t just stay at home carrying out… experiments.

“They’re fine,” Ryo blurts out before he can stop himself, because it’s true, they may not be huge, but Ohkura has no reason to feel short-changed. It takes a little effort to force himself to stop thinking about Ohkura’s breasts. “Come on, I think you’ve had enough. Don’t you know women’s alcohol tolerance is lower than men’s?” Ryo starts to stand up, taking Ohkura with him.

“Yup! And with all the guys who offered to buy me drinks, a girl’s night out can be sooooo cheap!” Ohkura grins, stumbling a little as they make their way out.

Ryo rolls his eyes. “You’re cheap,” he mutters. “Come on, we’ll go back to my place, and you can tell me aaaaall about why you felt the need to come all the way to Tokyo to try to pick up men.”

Ohkura falls asleep against Ryo’s shoulder in the taxi, though he’s probably just pretending. Ryo can’t bring himself to disturb him, anyway, and when they get back to Ryo’s place he manfully helps Ohkura to his own room.

“Take your make-up off! With your skin, you can’t take any chances,” Ryo nags, though even insulting Ohkura doesn’t make him feel any less uncomfortable.

Ohkura giggles as he gets under Ryo’s sheets. “How long is it since you had a pretty girl in your bed, Ryo-chan?”

Too long, Ryo thinks bitterly. “I’ve got to go out early in the morning, so I might not see you.”

Ohkura is quiet for a moment. “The next time you see me, I’ll probably be a guy again.”

Ryo thinks about that. “Mmm,” he agrees. He stands in the doorway for so long that by the time he says “Goodnight” there’s no response, because Ohkura has fallen asleep.


Can you guess who's next? XD

fic, ohkura, ryo, ryo/ohkura

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