Title: Jyanni Depp
Pairing: Subaru/Yasu
Warnings: Snuggling :3
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction.
Rating: PG-13?
Notes: Utaban. XD 'Nuff said. Thanks to
nira_chan, who like me thought it would be funny if Yasu got carried away with the 'real' one. XD
“So, is there any reason you suggested we watch Pirates of the Caribbean?” says Subaru in a not particularly quiet whisper. They’re sitting squished together on a seat that’s probably not designed for two people; but Yasu’s sitting room isn’t that big, and somehow this arrangement logically came together.
“Everyone likes Pirates of the Caribbean,” Yasu whispers back innocently, eyes still fixed on the screen. “Pirates are cool.”
Subaru raises his eyebrows. “So which is your favourite, the one with the monkey or the one with the face tentacles?”
Yasu gives him a Look out of the corner of his eye. He’s smiling, but he takes his gaze off Subaru rather too quickly for Subaru’s liking.
But it’s even more distressing when the usually infallible technique of snuggling has no more success in gaining attention.
“Stop that!” Yasu whispers, a little scandalised, trying to wriggle away from Subaru’s hand where it’s sneaking up his thigh. “Everyone’s so close!”
“They’re all asleep,” Subaru murmurs, his lips on Yasu’s ear.
At least three indignant voices exclaim “No we’re not!” with varying degrees of urgency.
“Let’s go to your room then,” persists Subaru, kissing Yasu’s neck.
“But…” Yasu says distractedly, eyes flicking guiltily around.
Subaru sighs. “So you’d pay attention to me if I had a parrot, or a wooden leg, or something?”
Yasu chuckles, finally turning to face Subaru. “You don’t have to go that far.” He puts a hand up and twirls some of Subaru’s hair in his fingers. “Though, maybe you should put the extensions back in…” he muses thoughtfully.
“That’s it,” says Subaru, grabbing Yasu by the arm and pulling him up with him. “You’re getting too many ideas. Let’s go!”
Yasu, for his part, allows himself to be dragged to his room and made to participate in some of what Subaru describes, with a leer, as ‘plundering’ with exactly zero protest.
When Subaru turns up with his hair short and clean-shaven again, he doesn’t quite know whether to be smug or uneasy when he sees Yasu pout, just a little.