Torn Apart!

Jul 29, 2005 03:17

Well, after a rousing game of livejournal comment tag, I finally buckled down at 11:30 and typed out the remaining 2700 words to Chapter 19: Torn Apart for a total of ~9000 words. I can't believe it; I've got a working rough-draft after nearly a month and a half of false starts and real life motivation deflation!

Of course, the really sad thing is that I started writing this entry half way through to give my mind time to think up how to word a certain conversation with a certain green, wart-encrusted youkai. Meh. Alright, alright. I actually got stumped on what he looked like and decided to begin 'posting' an update so I could look at my icon ^_^ Such a dork....And then I remembered, he's going up in flames. You can't get the best picture from a green toad getting roasted. Le sigh...

But it's done! So, tomorrow will be reading over the 9000 word chapter, writing very much belated review responses, and working on more one-shots. Heheh... I'll most likely watch FMA episodes too since they should finish downloadng sometime tomorrow afternoon, hopefully. We'll see.

Such a good evening/morning!

Oh, and here's an uncorrected teaser for all you eagerly waiting ^_^


He did not like the attention Kagome was receiving. His choices were to stand on the edge of the gathering and worry about Kagome’s lack of protection or throw dignity to the wind and push his way to her side. ‘To push or not to push…’ Gulping down his drink, Sesshoumaru handed it to the nearest person, Kouga’s daughter and junior partner in his law-firm. Taking a deep breath, he began his assault on the crowd, glaring at whoever failed to remove themselves from his path while greeting one guest after another, enough warning for those whose backs remained turned to him to step aside.

Minutes later, he captured Kagome’s hand and attention while deftly nodding his head to the latest victim of Kagome’s naivete, Shippou’s son-in-law Keitaro. “Excuse us, but I believe it is time for the dancing to start.”

Keitaro repressed his smile and nodded. After his many years and close association to the family, he could easily read the subtle moods of his lord which all pointed to jealous possessiveness. It would not be long before wedding bells chimed in western Japan.

Standing next to Shippou, he watched as Sesshoumaru swept Kagome into the middle of the ballroom and motioned for the orchestra to strike up a Venetian waltz. As Sesshoumaru slowly guided his dance partner through the basic steps, he turned to his silent companion. “Care to make a bet?” asked Keitaro slyly.

Shippou turned smiling lips to Keitaro. “And just what kind of bet did you have in mind?”

They both shared a smirk. “I was thinking we should open up the books for bets on a wedding date between those two. I could sure use some of that money to help with the relief funds.”

Shippou laughed. “Anything for a good cause. Let me start the bidding then. I’m going to put three thousand yen on a year from today. Sesshoumaru needs some wearing down before he’s husband material.”

Keitaro smirked as he pulled his palm pilot from his back pocket. “One year from today it is.” Turning to the interested eavesdroppers around him, he waved the PDA in the air. “Well folks, what’s it going to be!”


Hope you liked it!

torn apart, inuyasha

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