
Jun 17, 2005 23:23

Heheh...sorry for not updating Torn Apart and A Thief in the Night! I kind of lost track of time... That, and since I'm heading out to SC to see the Sis this weekend, I've been trading time between packing up my room to head back home for the rest of the summer, and watching the last 25 episodes of Gundam Wing for the last week and a half. Not to mention FMA and Ghost in the Shell. Why oh why do I have to lose my stash of anime rentals? So not fair.

In other news, I do hope to get Chapter 18 of Torn Apart out sometime this morning if I can help it, but I need to finish taking apart a filing cabinet, clean up the kitchen, and finish last minute packing for my trip. Can't afford to forget the wine I bought my sister! Heheh...

Uh, I'm also playing around with customizing the background for my livejournal so bear with the changes please! I need to make it less purple. Sigh, hopefully the hotel will have internet access for me. Mostly so I can continue playing with livejournal. I want to be able to upload a fic for the fate/destiny challenge for iyfic_challenge since the plot bunnies finally came and bit me in the ass last night! It took it long enough. To bad it didn't give me inspiration for the opposites drabble challenge. Le sigh...At least I get to write another character (miroku) I haven't had a chance yet to write. Muhahah!

Enough rambling. Bye bye!

thief, general, torn apart, inuyasha

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