(no subject)

Dec 07, 2005 09:26

Got my take home for Human Diseases done last night! Well...all except for the last problem, but that's because I have to read through all my notes first. But I need to write my paper first for Proteins.

So much going on...and its all due next week on the 14th and 15th. Eek! But I'm okay right now. If I can just get the paper done by Saturday morning then I can dedicate 2 days or so for studying for the inclass portion of my Human Diseases Final and another 2 days to study for Biosynthesis and a day to cram for both. Should be good...right?


But, since I was tired of studying yesterday, I went ahead and wrote the second Chapter of Broken Trust. Still platonic, but next chapter! Promise! *grins* But not til after finals. If I write before finals again, its because my brain decided to go into lala land and wanted to take out all my anger and frustrations in ficcies.

Title: Broken Trust
Rating: R/NC-17 eventually
Genre: Drama, Psychological, Romance
Summary: [KagomeSesshoumaru] Every once in a great while, a time comes when everything changes whether we will it to or not. For Kagome, Naraku's death was the catalyst that drove the chain reaction that would alter her life forever. She hadn't meant to turn to him. It just happened. And ever since that night, Kagome was different. She was no longer human.

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2

biobm 631, biobm 633, cornell, fanfic, biobm 439, broken trust

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