Gee...sorry for spamming everyone, but I was finally motivated and worked on my 'original fic' for a friend of mine. It's a college fic though, just to warn you all!
Title: A Series of What If's
Genre: Romance
Warnings: College Fic, not for the faint of science
Chapters: 2 out of ?
Summary: Many often ask what if and If only. So, what if a series
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And it flows because while they're spur of the moment, I do have little scenarios planned out. But I don't know if they'll work now because he was supposed to give her his sweatshirt, not the umbrella, damnit! (sorry, the swear word needed to be there for the added emphasis ^_^). still might work, but I can't have those awful gushy moments where she cuddles into the sweatshirt while studying...
But, it's not about Melissa. In a sense, it could be about both of us since the majors are slightly similiar, but it wasn't meant to be nor will it be. It'd be incredibly boring if I modeled the character after either one of us.
Oh well. They're characters with minds of they're own, and no one else needs to know that besides you and me =p
Oh!!! And the next time someone asks you to write a lemon, send them a picture of a Lemon Meringue Pie that's been smeared all over a clown. That'll tell them what to do with their lemons...
And don't apologize for swearing, I do it very often too. Im slowly showing you my bad points.. haha... remember I told you I can curse like a pro (in chinese lah)? heh. And Im happy to hear that u are continuining this fic!
Actually, umbrella is a good idea too.. isn't it? they can share that umbrella, or she can walk in the rain alone with his umbrella. In any case, it might be a little too ridiculous for him to whip out his sweatshirt for her, isn't it? Unless guys act differently in yr country.. *sweats*
U know, I so wish that Im the girl in yr fic. Think Im yearning for a man..... sigh.
And the sweatshirt was going to be one of those zip up kinds with the hoodie so it wouldn't be that terribly awkward to give it to her and they were both supposed to be umbrella-less.
But it all works. That number thing kind of came out of the blue too. But...I already have a plot bunny for that one. Selendra is going to be teased mercilessly by her friends! Muahahaha!!!
Ahem. Anyways, we both need a man. Otherwise, fiction might become all to real for us. Sigh...
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