Stupid Old Internet Things

Jul 03, 2008 08:44

So the other day I was thinking about things that used to be really common online. Like GeoCities homepages (mine was kick-ass back in the day, thank you), having a guestbook on your site so that friends could write in (kind of like a Facebook wall in a way), and what I used to think of as "internet research" (which really, pre-wikipedia, was practically stumbling in the dark and tripping over reliable sources).

But just now I was googling for something, and one of the top things to come up was a fanlisting. AHAHAHAHA, remember FANLISTINGS??

I have never, ever understood the purpose behind those things. They never seemed to be so much about building a community as they were about creating a list of people (as the name indicates) so that everyone could be all "yay, we're a frickin' ARMY of fourteen-year-old girls, look at our mighty list!" Was there more to it?

Perhaps I shouldn't be speaking in the past tense like this, considering there are (as my recent search seems to indicate) still lots of them around and active. Maybe it's the cold medication, but right now everything that's two or more years old online seems LOLantiquated to me.

Anyhoo, I think I'm going to go drink some tea and watch old Disney movies.

remember when, random, internet

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