[SoFoBoMo] SoFoBoMo.org posting

May 03, 2008 23:47

I've still got a list of things to do to my project, but they aren't happening just yet. I spent today going with the flow, which generally flowed away from the computer. I did manage to get my SoFoBoMo project posted on the official SoFoBoMo website, though. I highly recommend checking out some of the other projects posted there. They're not all great works, but some of them are mighty fine.

I also rewrote the "about" section of solarphage.net and added a page for my SoFoBoMo book.

Things still left to do:

1. Try reformatting the book with more text, possibly as an 8x10, with text in the bottom 2 inches. 8x10 seems more common than the 8.25x8.25 that I designed it in. By reserving the upper 8x8 for images, that would leave me with a reserve area to say a little something about each image. This could also be done with facing pages, but that gives too much weight to the text, and I don't want the pressure to write that much meaningful text.
2. Create separate interior pages and cover art PDFs, for printing via CreateSpace. I definitely want to get this thing printed - the tangible form of it seems more important to me the more I work on it.
3. Rewrite the introduction, or replace it with some other supplementary text. The Introduction I do have is not quite what I'd like - I did it quickly and I'm not entirely happy with it.
4. Figure out what the appropriate level of boilerplate is for a self-published book. I realized today that I did not even have a copyright notice in my book. I don't want to mindlessly ape things that seem like they are artifacts of the publishing industry, rather than important to the book. On the other hand, I think I SHOULD assert my ownership and copyright (even if I'm just going to turn around and give some of those rights away).

Last but not least, I'm back to taking pictures that aren't SoFoBoMo related. I took the day off from work yesterday, and took some pictures at Pedernales Falls State Park and Enchanted Rock.
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