Who cares about getting their penis enlarged when you can have your cloning problems solved for as little as $275?
This spammer definitely knows their audience....
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2008 16:33:11 -0400
From: Howard Huang
Subject: Cloning Made Easy: $275 for a 0.5 kb Gene
To: xxxx@student.hms.harvard.edu
Dear Colleague,
Do you have a complex cloning project with difficult templates, multiple
deletions, fusions or point mutations?
We can solve these problems for you - now more cost-efficiently than ever. Our
recent facility upgrades allowed us to offer the new Gene-on-Demand service:
gene synthesis and cloning into ANY vector, starting from $0.55/bp.
http://www.dna-cloning.net/index.html Simply email your sequence to us and receive 4 ug of your clone, sequenced and
ready to use.
Need the protein expressed too? Go to
http://www.dna-cloning.net/Protein_service.html Our customer service representatives are available 24 hours a day, Monday
through Friday. Please check our contact page
http://www.dna-cloning.net/contact.html for our local regional numbers.
Gen Script Corporation - VWR Strategic Partner
120 Centennial Ave., Piscataway, NJ 08854
Tel: 1-732-885-9188 ext 119
Fax: 1-732-210-0262
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