Jun 11, 2006 11:51
I had my senior harp recital yesterday, and now that its over, I am significantly less stressed. I heard a guy play who just finished his freshman year of being a music major and it was very encouraging. I'm feeling a lot better about next year.
I'm still summer running... next week we're going up to four miles a day ^_^ it feels really good to be exercising, but it feels terrible to be so tired from the new sleep schedule. I think i'm getting used to it though, and waking up in general has been a lot easier. I've also been taking multi-vitamins *smile*
The tuition to U of I seems to have gone up about 2 thousand dollars since I last checked it... did anyone else notice this, or was it just me? ah well... c'est la vie. Speaking of... I can't decide what language to take next year. I really wanted to take Chinese but I loved the (one year of) French I took in high school, and it's easier, more practical, etc. I'm pretty sure I'm done with spanish.
I need to learn how to talk like a pirate ASAP for VBS this week. And I need to find some pirate attire... yaharr.
Methinks that be all, mateys. Swab them scurvy planks