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Apr 08, 2005 13:06

Mmmm update time. Tech Cru Women's Retreat tonight... I'm looking forward to it... for the most part. I'm really tired and I want to relax... but it will be fun and I suppose I could just take a nap tomorrow. And I really want to go to the architecture guest lecture that's at 5 but I can't. And I kind of want to go to AROC but I can't go to that either. But on the other hand, it will be good to get away from Lubbock, even if only for a night. It'll be good to be with just the girls and with only God to think about. And the lady that leads it, named Mary Beth, she is awesome... haha she's so cute. So I'm looking forward to hearing from her a little.

Last night, I felt that Cru was very convicting... in the good way, I mean. I really have something I need to be working on. It's something that is personally very hard for me just because of my personality but... with God's help I know that I can improve in this. I'm being kind of vague, but if anyone wants to know what I'm talking about more specifically, I'll be glad to share. :D

God is amazing and He is the only thing that is constant in my life... the only thing I can fully rely on no matter what... the only thing I need... the only thing I know I can always cling to when I need help and strength.

On a lighter note, The Cosby Show is back on during lunch time, and I am thoroughly pleased with this. I don't know what was wrong that one day when Yes, Dear was on but.... all that matters is that The Cosby Show lives. Hahah.

On Tuesday night, during Tectonics, I realized that my fascination with Pixar is still with me. Hahah. The last two class times, Prof. Flueckiger had us watch clips from The Incredibles and the Making of The Incredibles... and yeah... it got me so pumped. I'm almost positive that I will graduate with my undergrad in architecture, but as for what I do after that, I really have no idea. I could be an architect or I could get into another design field like computer graphics/animation for example. I love that architecture can get me to any design field really... it's possible to graduate from Texas Tech (with the Master of Science in Architecture and Certification in Design Visualization) and go to Pixar... two guys have done that already. How awesome is that? I'm pretty sure that my dream of working at Pixar someday has been resurrected.

On Wednesday night, Meghan and I went to go workout. I was getting a headache a little before we went, and I was feeling really tired and lazy. So, much to my surprise, when I did a workout that was longer than usual, it was so easy! I did 34 minutes on the elliptical (3.5 miles) on the weight loss program, the last 5 minutes I went backwards. It was so easy for some reason... I wasn't even tired at all when I was done. Then Meghan and I walked that off. Then we did abs (when I somehow got like the worst charlie horse EVER in my left calf) and I did these back exercises on this machine thing in the girly weight room. It felt good to work out and not be dead. But... it's probably better when you're dead after you work out because that means you really worked out. I was sore a little yesterday in my legs though so that's good. Today I'm going to go run in time to take a shower and leave for the women's retreat. I haven't run in quite a while (because I've been ellipticaling) so I hope I don't suck and that I can run at least a mile and a half. I can do it I'm sure.

After Meghan and I worked out on Wednesday, we went to Roly Poly Sandwiches and I've decided that's definitely one of my new favorite places to eat. The sandwiches are actually wraps... and so delicious. It's kind of like California Fresh I guess, if you're from the NW Houston area. And if you live in Lubbock, go eat at Roly Poly... it's so good. And Meghan said there's one like 1.3 miles (according to mapquest) from our houses in Houston... so I can eat there in Houston too. Yay. :D

I've been seeing Ms. Meghan McAuliffe a lot more lately and I like it. We always pick up right where we left off it seems... and she makes me feel more at home here. I loooove you Meghan. :D

AND I've finally gotten to spend some more time with Melanie... she is awesome. I'm sad that she'll be gone next fall. : (

Okay I will conclude with this... this song is so amazing. It gives me chills (partly because of it's background). It's an old hymn... but we've sung it in Cru a few times... if anyone knows any contemporary artists that have recorded this song, pleeassseee let me know who. Because the only sound files I've found of it are like organ-y sounding MIDI files... and that doesn't do it for me. Haha.

"When peace like a river attendeth my way
When sorrows like sea billows roll
Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say
It is well, it is well with my soul.

It is well... with my soul... It is well, it is well with my soul.

Though Satan should buffet, though trails should come,
Let this blest assurance control,
That Christ hath regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed His own blood for my soul.

It is well... with my soul... It is well, it is well with my soul.

He lives -- oh, the bliss of this glorious thought,
My sin, not in part, but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more.
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul.

It is well... with my soul... It is well, it is well with my soul.

And, Lord, haste the day when our faith shall be sight
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll,
The trumpet shall sound, and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul.

It is well... with my soul... It is well, it is well with my soul."
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