Title: Heartbeats Fandom: House Pairing: House/Wilson Rating: PG Word Count: 858 Summary: Three moments in which House and Wilson are almost kind of functional. Notes: I had a somewhat shit week, so here's some more about the weather.
Three very lovely moments in time. Usually, short fics like that leave me unsatisfied, but these are perfect. The second one's my favorite, I think, even though the ending of the third is just... *melts*.
Sorry to hear about your bad week. I hope the next one will be better! :)
THANK YOU. I've been kind of writing it on and off since last week as an alternative to zombie!fic. I had definite plans to finish it last night, but then the meeting of doom happened, which harshed my mellow, so I ended up writing the last bits this morning.
I really enjoy when you 'write about the weather,' because it seems to bring out a softness in your characters that's comforting to read. Even House, whose 'fucking octopus' was absolutely perfect by the way, is gentle through the Wilson Weather Filter. After the quick pace of House episodes and most fic, it's really nice sometimes to read something slow, like a deep breath. Thanks for that.
Oh wow... this is so perfect. I love pieces like these, sweet, warm and touching. Umbrellas, morning snuggles and unspoken confessions... <3 And I love rainy weather - it's melancholic and refreshing, and it can be so beautiful when the sun shines between the clouds during a drizzle. That's just how I see these three moments. Simply beautiful.
Comments 57
Three very lovely moments in time. Usually, short fics like that leave me unsatisfied, but these are perfect. The second one's my favorite, I think, even though the ending of the third is just... *melts*.
Sorry to hear about your bad week. I hope the next one will be better! :)
And with any luck it will be! I certainly do hope so.
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And I love rainy weather - it's melancholic and refreshing, and it can be so beautiful when the sun shines between the clouds during a drizzle. That's just how I see these three moments. Simply beautiful.
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