My week

Sep 20, 2008 19:24

Well it's been about a week since I have written or even been on the computer. I have a lot of catching up to do on my friends.

Last Saturday the hurricane hit and we lost electricity for 27 hours. It was miserable and hot!

I was so worried about my critters. With the windows open it was 81. That is about as high as some of them can take it without starting to overheat. I was starting to get a little panicky Sunday because they were saying it was going to take until Thursday to get everyone in our area back on. I wasn't going to be able to go to work because I couldn't shut up the house because it would have probably been 91 then. I was going to have to stay home with the windows open. Luckily Sunday night they got the power back on in our neighborhood.

I did the 48 hour juice diet Tuesday and Wednesday. I thought I was going to die Tuesday. It went about how I thought it would. I almost caved I don't know how many times. I know my body and I know my body has to have food. I get this sick shakey feeling when I don't eat. Amazingly though that juice somehow kept me from doing that and kept my stomach from feeling like it was going to eat itself. I did feel hungry though and I did feel quite weak. All I thought about for 48 hours was food. The second day was a bit easier but it was still really hard. I had a raging headache for those two days.

I am glad I did it but I don't think I would do it again. I did lose 5 pounds and I have tried since then to eat healthy and moderately and have lost a couple more. I am back down to 131/132 from 137 so it was worth it. And it's kind of got me back into the mode as I said of eating better and less so that is good. I hope I can lose some more weight.

I took Thurs. and Fri. off from work and went shopping for clothes on Friday. Gosh it's been years since I went shopping for clothes with the exception of getting a few cheap shorts and shirts for my honeymoon because I wouldn't have had anything to wear in Jamaica.

I followed the rules of "What not to Wear" to the best of my ability. I kept hearing Clinton and Stacey saying things to me like I had heard on the show LOL. "Ohh that is hideous, don't get that, oh that is the perfect length," yada yada. I watched like a bunch of them Thursday in preparation so I hopefully would buy the right things. I just have no clue when it comes to fashion or clothes.

Ashe went for her follow-up appt from her surgery. I knew before we went what the Dr. would say. I had already seen the wound site oozing pus. So she isn't any better except the Dr. simply got the abcess down some. At the appt. the Dr. squeezed some more out but I can't put her through anymore pain. We are done at the vets. All the vet could keep do is mashing it like she had been before the surgery and it's really painful for Ashe. I am just going to keep her on antibiotics indefinitely to try and keep it down until one day she is in too much pain. It's sad but I just try not to think about it until the day comes.

I have been trying to bond with the rats but it's been difficult because they have been sick. Thursday of last week they finished their meds and I was so relieved. Within like a day or two I would hear a sneeze every now and then and it started getting worse. So I took them to the vet to get weighed for a new dosage since they are bigger. I got a new antibiotic and she tried flavoring it with peanut butter this time instead of the strawberry they didn't seem to like. They HATE it. They fight me even more. They don't like me to handle them. They are scared of my hands except when they are in their cage they will come out and gets treats from my hand. Out of the cage though I have a hard time getting them to come to me. I have been doing the forced socialization some, but because I am sticking a syringe of nasty medicine in their face twice a day it has been hard and upsetting. I hope when the meds are done they will bond better to me.

Here are some pics of the boys. I got them a wall basket and a double decker hammock from The proceeds go to help Kim's Ark Rat Rescue. They LOVE the double decker hammock, though they don't get on top of it...they just both pile inside.:)

I have been playing around with the cage and I think I finally have it like I like it. I have been trying different bedding and I have some fleece now and a corner littler pan and I think I am going to like that instead of actual bedding. They are almost completely pooping in the litter pan. They pee all over but I think it's great they are pooping in one spot. You can't really see the fleece in the pic.

Trying to coax them out...first Onyx

Then Wilbur peeks out.

Someone had shared these being on sale at Petsmart and I wanted the Octopus and the Fish and I didn't buy them at the time. I went back and luckily they still had a fish. Here is Wilbur checking it out.

Here is the wall basket which I thought would be the favorite. They do get in it some but the double decker is the fav.

Heres the double decker...rat cuteness!!!!

Here is one with Onyx in it but it blurred :(

And here is where Wilbur actually came over to me...look at that adorable bald head!

wilbur, ashe, weather, onyx

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