May 21, 2012 22:07
I just wanted to share the news somewhere that people would actually understand. My white faced 'tiel Tarma died today. We found her shortly after we got home from our trip. We left all the animals in the hands of a responsible pet sitter, and we're sure it wasn't her fault, but when we came home Tarma was dead on the bottom of her cage. I'm really upset and I don't know exactly what to do now and could really use advice.
From the way her body was positioned it looks like she took a fright from something and either fell and broke her neck, or was throwing a fit on the bottom of her cage and her heart gave out. There is no trama to her body that we can see and I palpated her abdomen and it doesn't feel like she was trying to lay. We were so happy too because we thought we'd finally broken her laying cycle. But now we're not sure what to do with her body. We don't know whether we need to do a necropsy on her or not. Everything just happened so sudden but she wasn't showing any signs of being sick at all.
And does anyone know where to get a pet cremated and how to go about doing it and how much it costs? We could always take her down to my parents house and bury her with the rest of the family pets but she never lived there and they don't love her like we do and its probably silly because she's gone and all that's left is her body but I don't know that we want her so far away from us.
At least the sitter could tell us that when she stopped by to check on them this morning she looked happy and she was up on her perches like normal and eating. And I'm really glad it was sunny the last couple days before she died because she liked to be wheeled outside in her cage and sit on the porch in the sunshine. As long as there was food involved for her to pig out on at the same time. She was our smart little special needs piggy bird. Ugh. Now I think I need to go to the store and find a nice casket for her. I can't stand the idea of just putting her little body in a throw away cardboard box.
Edit: I finally got someone at the vet to get ahold of Dr. Ferguson. We're taking her body up in a few min to drop her off and Dr. Ferguson is going to do the necropsy in the morning. So we may know as early as tomorrow evening what happened to her. Its probably pretty silly but we went out this morning and found her a really pretty box that we're putting some of her favorite things in and we're transporting her that way.
I can't remember who originally posted the suggestion and I'm too upset to look but thanks to whoever suggested planting her. We absolutely cannot afford cremation around our area ($150-200?!?!?!) so when we get her back we're going to go down to the store and pick out a nice big pot and probably a rose to plant her in/under. Kinda suits her personality since she was a beautiful bird but she always did have a thorny personality.