Hi again,
So Lulu just did that flock call thing in her cage and I didn't pay attention until she was flapping her wings back and forth and then a feather fell. It had blood on the end of it but the blood wasn't outside the feather just i can see the end is red but shes not bleeding or anything. She might have picked it out after it was out of
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Comments 6
The most important thing is to not freak out. Just because there's blood doesn't mean it's an emergency. You'll learn which kind of feathers are broken blood feathers that need immediate attention, and which ones are non-life threatening.
Here's a link to a website I use a lot for cockatiel resources. I'm linking directly to the blood feather section, but it has a lot of great info: http://www.cockatielcottage.net/feathers.html
I didnt know why she started to flap like a lunatic in the first place.?
Last night we had a breakthrough. I left the cage open as usual. Out of nowhere when I least expect it, I saw this little body flutter across the room. Her wings are clipped so she didn't get very far, but landed on the kitchen floor. She was so super cute with her little body walking. Then I picked her up and was walking with her and she saw her cage and flew back in! I was so upset. But, it's progress and that makes me happy.
Before that, I had my hand in the cage for like 15 minutes. I slowly moved it closer to her but she nipped my fingers and hissed a bit. How do you all feel about that?
Should I let her nip, or move away when she does? I don't want her thinking she is boss.
I just fear that she will be cage bound and I don't want that.
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