First time postin'! Hi all :) Hopefully this is appropriate- its not parrot related, but it does have to do with companion birds. I just feel like sharing!
I love parrots and have always envied those who have them as pets. I'm far from able to afford one, and parrots are pretty much like feathered 4 year olds- with school and a job I couldn't devote the time to them that they'd need. That's always made me sad, and I've been looking forward to the day I could actually have a companion bird.
I went into a pet store a few months ago, just killing time, and walking in I saw a big cage in the far corner with white doves in it. I never really thought of doves as pets, so of course I had to ask about them. The lady in the store said they'd bought 4 hand raised ringneck doves from a local breeder awhile back, thinking people would go for them- the logic was that being handtame they'd be a much more affordable, not to mention quieter, alternative to a parrot. Unfortunately they'd been sitting in the store ignored by passerby since last spring. I was interested in them though, and after doing my research on ringneck doves, decided this would finally be my chance to own a bird- they don't have all the traits and qualities of a parrot, but this serves just as many pros as cons.
And as I'm learning, doves do make fantastic pets- they are sweet as all get-out, for one thing. I've never so much as been pecked, even when I first brought them home and they were, naturally, terrified. I could leave the cage door open and they wouldn't even attempt to leave(not that I pushed my luck). Needless to say they weren't used to being handled after all that time in the store being ignored, but I've learned the golden rule of bribery and it's worked wonders xD Putting food in one hand and trying to get them to step onto the other works like a charm, and we've come to the point I can just put my hand in the cage and they'll step up without incentive. They are very curious, and its hysterical to watch their heads bop around on their stretched out necks as they try to figure out whatever it is that's caught their attention. They're fairly quiet too, as an added bonus- they have their moments(like cooing their heads off at 2 AM for no apparent reason), but overall half the time you can't even hear them if you're not in the same room. They're wonderful additions to my house, and I'm thankful I happened to be in the right place at the right time and find them!
So, introducing my white ringneck doves, Squeaky and Spook(no relation to my username, haha) Squeaky has the grey on her chest, and makes little squeaky noises instead of cooing. And Spook was just all white, so I figured a ghost-related name fit xD
Since then I've realized those narrow little perches aren't too great for their feet and they slip out of place a lot, so they've been replaced with natural branch perches. They seem much happier.
Spook on my shoulder... I look disheveled and half asleep(I was), but at least he's photogenic!
And there you have it :) Just felt like sharing my birds with the comm. Anyone else ever had doves or pigeons as pets? What was your overall experience with them?