May 20, 2009 05:00
Since I do not want to appear rude, I'll start off by saying hello to everyone *waves robustly* lol Now for the help I need, does anyone have any suggestions as to where there may be a place in the Joliet to Willowbrook or surrounding area that accepts birds for rehoming purposes? You see my daughter moved out a little over a year ago & has strung me along with promises to come & get her bird but then she constantly has excuses as to why she cannot take him. I personally am not a bird lover, though I do like this little guy but in the long run really want him to be with someone or in someplace that will take better care of him and spend time with him. I am disabled and feel he needs more attention & affection then I have time & patience for & it's just not fair to him. He (Berd) is about 5 yrs old, male, has gotten along well in the past with other cockateils and parakeets in his cage. He's been hand raised since he was a baby & is a whistler more so then a talker. Any suggestions of help would be most appreciated. Thank you much for your time =)