Is is a Grey thing?

Sep 26, 2008 01:34

Snuggles has been sometings sitting and being petted on the couch with us at night.
Only thing is she has this odd ritual that you have to put her to bed. her cage, then she must come out to the couch on her own, like it is her idea, for her to get petted.
Then she is find with it.
Also she has been doing the YOUR IN THE BATHROOM WITH OUT ME!
dose not matter who it is. Me Husband, Orlanda, she crys like a puppy.
I have offered to give her a bath, but she just wants you to pet her wils your sitting on the john, and she is on the floor.
Is this odd?
Also have been working with her for the last few mtis to get her to dring out of a LIXIT bottle.
Now if she would do it when it is hanging from her cage.
Have a pic that husband took of her cuddled on my chest getting her head scrached, will post it as soon as he gets it off of his card.
She also is doing well in flying, Snuggles looped the room, and landed on my head. sat there for about 10 minits, and then took off for greener pastures.
She is so jel of the Nanday that gets to sit on my head and watch TV.
She loves her new Mango travel stand,
Now am looking for a new SS cage.
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