Tides of Time 45&46 in print - a shameless advert

Dec 03, 2020 01:42

Back at the end of May, the locked down and locked out Oxford (University) Doctor Who Society published a double issue, 45&46, of our fanzine, The Tides of Time. We didn't expect printing it would be possible, so it was released online as a pdf. With matters being a bit more flexible in the present state of Covid-19 affairs in England, we have now been able to print the issue, with corrections from the pdf, and copies can be ordered on eBay from the page linked below. This is the first issue to be perfect bound, with 172 colour pages including a card cover.

Tides of Time 45&46 on eBay Also posted at https://sir-guinglain.dreamwidth.org/2020/12/03/tides-of-time-4546-in-print-a-shameless-advert.html.

doctor who, fandom, oxford

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