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Comments 1

daniel_saunders March 14 2020, 20:46:22 UTC
I liked Ascension of the Cybermen, but I didn't like The Timeless Children. I felt the Brendan storyline didn't really fit well and generally this seemed very familiar. Oh, look, the Master allied to the Cybermen. What a surprise! Somehow, I don't think that will end well...

I tried very hard not to get annoyed by the retcon and mostly succeeded, but I felt that Chibnall was deliberately trolling older viewers. I don't hugely object to it, and would support it if I could see it going somewhere interesting, but it just seems pointless. The stupid thing is that it didn't really seem intrinsic to the story at all. It was like the bulk of the story was a way of getting to an info dump that would be meaningless to one chunk of the audience and annoy another chunk.

I didn't hate this season the way I've hated some in the past, and most of the stories (except the woeful Orphan 55) were enjoyable on some basic level, but I found very little that caught my imagination or stuck in my mind. This compares unfavourably with series ( ... )


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