Fic: The Irresistible Blueberry Farm (Rating: Mature)

Nov 09, 2022 16:47

Hello, parrish_lorne community! I have missed you so. After a really long hiatus from writing, I started writing again in the summer, and have written a few Lorne/Parrish fics. This is one of them :)

Title: The Irresistible Blueberry Farm
Pairing: Lorne/Parrish
Length: About 4700 words.
Summary: "You're kidding me," Evan says after Parrish slowly explains the situation. "Ah. I'm afraid not, Major. And I'm very, very sorry."
Notes: The story behind this one is a little long, but here are the key points: a) The actor who played Major Lorne has also acted in a lot of romance movies; b) One of these movies is called the Irresistible Blueberry Farm (note: I have not seen this movie, but I was talking about the various titles on DW); c) lunabee34 wrote, "Please please please please write a fic about Lorne titled The Irresistible Blueberry Farm." My brain was like, "OK, done!"

Here, on A03
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