Can I Use This for NaNo?

Aug 22, 2010 23:46

'Cause I have trouble with plots.

Dark Trail

Plot? I work on much more organic level.

As in, I can barely write. I don't think I've written a word of fiction for several months.

Plot plot plot. Plot. Climax! Plot.

Yeah, I got nothin'.

Okay, seriously now.

Let's start with a girl.

No, wait, a boy. Guy.

Has a brother, ahh, twenties? Maybe don't want to get too far away from my realm of experience, or too close to previous characters.

Okay, so there's a character. That isn't plot. I need to get him at least in a situation. Say he's on the lower social strata...and I just looked at my bookshelf and saw "Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell" so let's make him magical! I've never written magic before.

So that's not a plot, and might be too close to Rogue Agent Gerald Dunwoody. Maybe he stole it?

Call him Blake for now. Blake the anti-hero? Don't think I can make that work. Guess he's just a little confused with not-so-great friends who stole the magic and dumped it on him for safe keeping. Which will get him in trouble. Let's put him space! That's a bit much. Here we have a character and situation and impetus.

What happens next? Find out in November!

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