Real Genius is one of "my" movies - one of those movies you loved so much growing up that you can recite every line. It still gives me a warm feeling of optimism and a wistful sadness that I never got to experience living in a dorm (although I know it couldn't have ever lived up to Pacific Tech).
Apparently there was never a soundtrack, but via the power of the internets, voila!
Almost every song from Real Genius.
My favorites at the moment are "Number One" by Chaz Jankel and "I'm Falling" by the Comsat Angels. I haven't found the later online at a reasonable price in lossless format yet, but "Number One" is available in the US* for $1.39 in uncompressed WAV format at
*I don't know how to check if it's available for sale outside the US at that particular site, as it didn't ask me where I was from. Dumb regional licensing.