Nov 29, 2006 22:47
Cmput201 is the exact sort of course that will kill me. Anyone who knows me well knows that I hate large projects; anything that requires sustained effort and concentration + josh = no.
The main assignments for cmput201 consist of creating large programs used to parse given input files. Each iteration of the assignmen requires the program to implement new and tiresome functionality.
Now, conceptually this is a simple project. In actuality, it requires LOTS of time and meticulous work; the exact kind of work I hate. Due to my own procrastination, I failed to get a decent mark on either of the first iterations and now have until Saturday at 11:59:59pm MST to hand in Asn3... This is absolutely killer T.T
I have a feeling that I'm going to have to rewrite all the code... Again. This isn't an entirely simple task in a program that consists of nearly 500 lines of code (small by some standards, but large enough to harass me.)
Maaaaannn... I need to develop a work ethic T.T