Oct 10, 2006 00:18
Have you noticed how every product on the market comes in 62 billion flavors these days? A market where this is particularly obvious is the computer industry. It used to be that if one wanted to purchase a graphics card, they could buy an expensive one or a cheap one and that was it.
Now, there are thousands of cards creating a spectrum between the barrel-bottom economy cards and the top end gaming adapters. This is modularity taken to an insane level. What's the point of chopping out a single component (e.g. a SATA port, a PCIE slot, native HDMI support) to save $10?! Just make ONE awesome product and average the price point differences; money will be saved by not producing eleventytrillion intermediate models.
The example of this that got me started is the release of ATIs new chipset specs. They are
the RS690, RX690, RD550, RD790, RX790, RS790 and RS740 chipsets.
What the hell does all this mean?! In my eyes, there should be 3 new graphics chipsets:
Low end
High end
High end + multimedia editing
I'm too tired to finish this thought.
More later (?)