A brief update

Jul 17, 2006 01:54

Well, just thought I'd stop in a give a quick update concerning life, etc.

Texas was fun. Really :D Got to meet Jen (mistresshennej) after 5 long years and got to experience American culture. Ganz interessant. I didn't know drive-in restaurants still existed, but Sonic proved me wrong. Got to go to the World Series of VideoGaming, which was also a blast. Regrettably the trip was only as an afterthought; I got 2 hours of the convention in. Was still great.

I'd promise more details, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to find the time to write them ;)

This past weekend saw a visit to Matt's cabin out at the lake about 1.5 hrs (well, 157km that I covered in 1 flat hour) out of town. It was a little KSig get together and it was amazing. I only threw one person off the roof of my car. Good (mostly drunken) shenanigans.

Plans for the future:
I'm getting progressively farther away from Edmonton in my travels (excluding TX, of course):

This past weekend I went to Vilna (or thereabouts), 157km from home.

Next weekend I go to Medicine Hat (well, Elkwater), 600km from home.

The weeekend following THAT I go to Salt Lake City, Utah, ~1800km from home.

W00t ^.^

Stuff about me:

I think I may have finally sorted my complexes out in my mind. Here's how it rolls:

I was raised to be brilliant and smarter than everyone else. By and large I fulfilled that desire of my parents as illustrated in my academic career.

Upon discovering that people hated my elitist manner, I toned myself down and actually made friends. This initial modesty has now worked its way into a full blown inferiority complex.

Now, these two complexes don't play nice. I feel that everyone else is better than me, but at the same time I have that latent self-confidence that tells me that I am skilled. This is why I get so angry when people around me do things wrong. They're supposed to be more clever than I am, but I outthink them. Wait, that's a good thing right? Maybe I'm not so inferior after all! Wrong. 99% of the time I am shot down when I make the mistake of thinking I have skill; i.e. it turns out that I was wrong.

I hate that -.-

Anyway, the solution to this problem is to stop being such a baby, live for myself, develop some desires and then go out and fulfill them. Regrettably it's the theory as opposed to the tactic that is simple.

Ah well. I'll go to sleep, wake up and forget about this whole thing until the next time I feel low. -.-

Ni ni!

Pirates 2: Dead Man's Chest is AWESOME. Go see it.

Hans Zimmer is amazing. (Composed the music for Pirates, as well as for many other well-known films.)

travel, life

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