Jun 10, 2007 22:57
hmm, I don't seem to have posted any since returning home. this should fix that.
if anyone wants to see me, I'm pretty much always around. I'm in the process of getting a cheap summer job scooping ice cream for The Man, but other than that I'm just looking for people to catch up with.
in other news: I love ashley's friends. they amuse me hugely.
I caused my first segmentation fault today. woohoo!
ashley and I cooked a fancy dinner for my family recently- chicken cordon bleu and yeast rolls and cake. it's good to see we haven't lost it.
I skipped out on doing many things this summer, because I felt that I needed to remain home. I've stayed home exactly one summer out of the past Who-knows-how-many, and its been hard on ashley as well as myself. so no camp this year, no philmont, and I turned down an offer to work on a fire crew in the sante fe national forest. chances will come around again, but this year I need to touch base again.