Feb 22, 2005 16:51

I tried to update this peice of shit and it wouldnt let me so I saveed all this shit in notepad so I wouldnt be mad later on when I want to update................................................................ well....I guess its been alittle while since I last had anything to say, dont really have anything much to say, just thought I would post something. Nothing new is happening, save for the fact I got donnie darko on dvd yesterday, is a good movie all should watch it. I might watch it again tonight, or at least this weekend that is if I do anything, might have plans dont know yet. it all depends on cash or the lack of there for no party you see. I dont know I guess I dont have anything real important to say, job is still the same I enjoy it, not the work part but the co-works part that is a plus on this job. hung out with some friends from work last friday was rather fun got drunk and just hung out and what not. would like to hang out with them more, they are a fun bunch. would hang out friday with them, but it seems that we might be coming in this friday to VA, rather than saturday as normal. I dont know tho, so I guess what happens will happen. have lots of work to do in my online class which I should be doing right now, but I dont like that class I will do sometonight and the rest tomarro and thursday after school.was supposted to go to school today but didnt cause its a joke class and if we did miss something its easy to make up. have some math work to do tonight...not alot really just some hard stuff which sucks. well I guess thats about all I have to say, save for the funny part from donnie darko...."I will tell you what he said to me, He told me to forceably insert the life specturm into my anus." there was more, but that was just great.
well Im off later yo'.
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