Well, getting bored with the shoving 90cc of lucite up my crack four times a day then waiting... and waiting... and waiting, so that I can clean up and get back to what I was doing before my iPhone played it's now hateful-stabby-mcStab "Piano Riff" alarm telling me it's that time of the day again.
As hinted in my
16 days post; What's weak this week entry, I bore down and sized up to the #2 dilator (27mm) a few days ahead of schedule. Bled. Surprise. But now there's really no insertion pain anymore as I get in a 5 minute warm-up with #1 (25mm), then swap to #2 for the main part of the session. Of course, I've got another size-up to #3 (30mm) right around the corner, so tonight I used the vibrating dilator I mentioned earlier, configured for the 28mm size (just 1mm above the #2 I'm using atm) and got a jump on getting things stretched just a little bit. I'll give a hit with this another couple/three times for a few days, then give a shot at #3, possibly in parallel with the vibrating one configured for 30mm, on friday after work. Either way, I've got extra lube at the ready...
Do I plan on pushing it to the #4 (34mm) eventually? Eh... Ask me again in 2 weeks.... I'm still saying Hail-Marys for swearing during that 28mm test-run earlier...
Edit (May 14, 2008 4:34 AM PDT -0700): I'm rubbish with a tape measure... The intermediate 28mm size I *thought* I was using on the vibrating dilator for a full session just now.... wasn't 28mm... It was 30mm, the same size as my proper #3. No blood, no pain killers. Just a bit of lip biting and clock watching. That wasn't nearly so bad as the jump from #1 to #2...
In other news, as I mentioned in a few other posts, I'm back to work having basically taken only three weeks off in total. I've got plenty of energy to get me through the day, and I'm off pain-killers entirely (even OTC stuff). My schedule is making concentration difficult, though that should let up some next week when I ramp down to a 2x schedule (I may try 3x for a few days, especially as I'll have just sized up, but only until the #3 becomes less-uncomfy).
My perineum is still torn on both sides and not making any progress (positive or negative), but yesterday I successfully identified my G-spot (hadn't gone looking for it till then, but wow, there it is!). The dissolving sutures have started to come out, though some are only partially out and hanging like threads from a sweater (must.resist.urge.to.pull). My vestibule seems a little too red (but compared to what, right?), I'll mention that the next time I speak to the nurse...
Nothing more to report... See? Sex changes are boring...