Removing some *Comms* from f-list...because f-list is full (Meep?) 2000-friend limit - who knew?

Nov 02, 2010 11:42

Hello...Did you know that LJ had a 2000 friend limit for Permanent accounts? >_<

I'm going to be removing some *Comms* from my f-list.
This *doesn't* mean I don't love you!
It just means that I'm trying to make room for individual *people* by clearing out *lists* - and will try to figure out the "Join" vs. "watch" thingy too.

I've been using my f-list as a 'bookmark' feature, and should probably use 'memories' or something instead?

Don't know.

But if for ANY reason, I manage over the next couple of days (again, *two thousand* - it's going to take me a bit to make my way through things) to accidentally delete a *person* instead of a *Comm*, please just ping me and I'll add you back *right*-quick. I swear it won't've been on purpose.

First step: Remove "Deleted and purged" accounts. Seems like a no-brainer (was keeping them b/c the tool said they "could" be recovered, so I was waiting the six months to see if anyone reconsidered - but no-one ever has, to date...

Second step: Go through on the 'Add/Remove friends page' and bulk-remove any Comm that I either clearly recognize as one I don't read, or that I don't recognize at all.

Third step: Go through f-list and start clicking on remaining comms, and any that I'm a *member* of, don't need to stay on the *f-list*, b/c they're already on the *other* list and I can find them that way from my profile page.

It's that first step that frightens me. I'm terrified that the auto-bot is going to clicky someone I didn't mean to (or that I'll fat-finger it), and - people get *so* hurt about LJ friends-removals, *including* me, even for people that I'm not actually close to, nevermind those I am, so - the thought of actually hitting the 'remove friend' button, even for *Comms* - makes me _nervous_. And *that*, mon amours, says something about this-here culture we've all built around ourselves.

But seriously, if I manage to mess this up, or somehow manage to remove EVERYBODY, or something -- SERIOUSLY, just PM me and I'll add-back right pronto. I don't want to lose ANY _people_ over this. There are NO people I'm trying to "de-friend" or anything like that. I'm just over my 2K limit and don't want to be unable to use the 'add friend' function for new people (or comms, for that matter).

Over-talking. Off to *do*.


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