Laying the Smack Down

Aug 02, 2006 08:14

An online conversation between a Holocaust denier and my good self on IMDb last night.

HIM: I've only been a holocaust doubter for about a month now, and I've only recently known about Jewish conspiracy for about 4 months. Until then I was your typical Republican, didn't know who was to blame for what could be called the moral corruption of the United States [doesn't sound like a typical Republican to me - they always know who to blame]. Although I am 21 years old, I can still remember a time when all the political correctness was not as predominant in movie, television, radio and every other facet we receive what could be referred to as "new age culture." I began to ask myself questions on what possibly could have created this rot in American society that has apparently done more damage in 40 years than what previously happend in 350 before that. The answer I have deducted through nights of thought, research, and statistics is that the media and economic institution are in fact dominated by a foreign entity with alterior [sic] motives other than the continued success of the United States of America.

After this realization, I still thought that the Holocaust was real until I realized that the Holocaust was the vehicle that propels global Jewish interests. I began looking at the methods the Germans used, the evidence that proved the Holocaust happened, why the Germans would have ever done that, witness testimony, what Jews gained from the Holocaust, and after very intense thinking and weighing the possibilities I deduced that the Holocaust was false, or at least VASTLY overstated. I often compare my realization of the Jewish stranglehold on our way of life to "the Matrix". In the Matrix, Morpheous [sic] held out two pills in his hand-One blue, one red. The blue pill would continue Neo's ignorant existance, living in a fantasy world consisting of what was comfortable, and what he actually believed to be true. He would completely forget even meeting Morpheus. The red pill would enlighten Neo into the revelation that the universe he accepts and believes to be true, is in fact a faux [sic], and in reality a non-existant rat race to further the interests of an alien party. The question is not about pills, but what they stand for in these circumstances. The question is asking us whether reality, truth, is worth pursuing. The blue pill will leave us as we are, in a life consisting of habit, of things we believe we know. We are comfortable, we do not need truth to live. The blue pill symbolises commuting to work every day, or brushing your teeth.

The red pill is an unknown quantity. We are told that it can help us to find the truth. We don't know what that truth is, or even that the pill will help us to find it. The red pill symbolises risk, doubt and questioning. In order to answer the question, you can gamble your whole life and world on an assumption that your world is being influenced by an alien influence.

However, in order to investigate which course of action to take we need to investigate why the choice is faced. Why should we even have to decide whether to pursue truth?

Compartively, this is the same question you posed to me [Weirdly, this was his first post. Who is he talking to here?]. Why did I choose to believe in a Jewish conspiracy and that the Holocaust in fact is the world's biggest myth. The answer in short, is inquisitiveness. Many people throughout human existence have questioned and enquired. Most of them have not been scientists or doctors or philosophers, but simply ordinary people asking 'what if?' or 'why?' Asking these questions ultimately leads us to a choice. Do you continue to ask and investigate, or do you stop and never ask again? To continue the analogy of The Matrix, this in essence, is the question posed to Neo in the film.

By accepting what we are told and to just experience life can be easier. There is the social pressure to 'fit in', which is immensely strong in most cultures. Questioning the status quo carries the danger of ostracism, possibly persecution. This aspect has a strong link with politics. People doing well under the current system are not inclined to look favourably on those who question the system. Morpheus says to Neo "You have to understand that many people are not ready to be unplugged, and many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it."

To justify taking the red pill we might ask what is the purpose of an ignorant existence? Further still, what is there in merely existing? Simply existing brings humans down to the level of objects; they might have utility or even purpose, but where is the meaning? Existence without meaning is surely not living your life, but just experiencing it.

At any time I could have taken the blue pill, decided I would choose not to continue my inquistiveness, and continue on believing that in fact our government operates solely to the benefit of the AMERICAN people. I could have continued to be oblivious while my country gets raped and taken advantage of. However, I chose the red pill and decided to find out for myself what corrupt entities are involved with molding the world we live in today. The maxim of choice for choosing the blue pill, "ignorance is bliss." I simply refuse to accept ignorance and have chosen the red pill. As Morpheus said when he gave Neo the choice betwen the blue and red pills-"All I am offering is the truth. Nothing more."

History is written by those who have hung heroes.

ME: Wow. I wasn't that convinced about Holocaust denial, but now you've recapped the plot of The Matrix, I really think you have a watertight case there.

Tune in next week for "The Fast and the Furious - How It Disproves Evolution".

HIM: No, I have just offered commentary in a revelatory manner, considering the fact that we are on a MOVIE database.

ME: Yeah, right. If you were that concerned about only talking about movies, you wouldn't have started a topic that has nothing to do with movies. Got to go now, I'm starting my dissertation on how the free-market economic theory is comprehensively disproved by The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.

HIM: the evidence that acknowledges the Holocaust happens is quite weak. It relies very heavily on witness testimony, which can EASILY be manipulated/influenced.

ME: What about millions of witness testimonies? How do you keep so many people in line? If someone can blow the whistle on local government corruption - which happens all the time - how are we expected to believe that such a huge body of people spanning Jewish victims, Jewish civilians, reformed Nazis, American soldiers, British soldiers, Russian soldiers, family members, etc. can possibly be kept in line? Or are the Evol Jews just that powerful?

HIM: Quite easily actually-If you have ever watched or listened to the testimony as I have, the testimony they give, while very well rehearsed-is often filled with implausibilities, such as the way the Germans gassed the Jews in the camp of Treblinka, according to one "eye witness" was the Germans rigged up a Soviet submarine diesel engine and pumped carbon monoxide into the gas chambers. I am not denying the fact that Jews were placed in internment camps, but as I have said before, the United States did the same thing with domestic threats by placing German and Japanese immigrants in internment camps for the duration of the war. During WWI the Jews were largely responsible for financing and taking part in the Bolshevik Revolution. There were more Jews in Germany than any other country in Europe(except for Poland maybe) with the German army busy on the Eastern and Western front, the last thing they needed was a domestic conflict. Considering the fact that German Jews comprised a large portion of the German Communist party that was trying to take power the same time that Hitler came to power. This communist party was blamed for the burning of the Reichstag which led to Hitler's rise to power.

ME: During WWI the Jews were largely responsible for financing and taking part in the Bolshevik Revolution.

Here is a duck that is brown. This duck that is brown proves that all ducks are brown.

A lot of people behind the Russian revolution were indeed Jewish, but the onus of proof is on you to prove that this was some sort of international Jewish conspiracy, or that the Jews in Poland, Germany, the Sudetenland or any other country which ended up under Nazi rule were in on it. If the Bolshevik revolution was a Jewish plot, why was Hitler so ready to jump into bed with Stalin?

There were more Jews in Germany than any other country in Europe(except for Poland maybe) with the German army busy on the Eastern and Western front, the last thing they needed was a domestic conflict.

This rests on a dual fallacy - firstly, that a large majority of Jews would sympathize with the Bolshevik cause just because many of the original Bolsheviks were Jewish, and secondly that the Nazis' actions were based on any kind of common sense whatsoever. I mean, they were white supremacists who struck a deal with the Japanese. Doesn't fill me with confidence about their intelligent reasoning abilities.

Considering the fact that German Jews comprised a large portion of the German Communist party that was trying to take power the same time that Hitler came to power. This communist party was blamed for the burning of the Reichstag which led to Hitler's rise to power.

Meaning that the German Communist party and the German Jewish population were weaker than the Nazis. What's your point here?

HIM: There were larege financial contributions from your brethren coming from NEW YORK CITY to Russia to finance a COMMUNIST revolution. Communism going completely against democracy and capitalism---why would Jews from New York finance something like that??? you tell me....Why does the US give billions of dollars to aid in Israel(more than any other nation in the WORLD)???

Don't be mad at me, I am just letting you know that your Jewish veil over the world is coming to an end. You dont really think it would last forever? It's really too bad that you had to fuck with America, because thats when I got pissed off, and when you got me pissed off you fuck with the wrong American...just give me time....

ME: Ha ha ha! This is becoming fun.

There were larege financial contributions from your brethren

My bretheren? You mean white Anglo-Saxon atheists?

coming from NEW YORK CITY to Russia to finance a COMMUNIST revolution. Communism going completely against democracy and capitalism---why would Jews from New York finance something like that???

Especially in the face of the pro-democracy, pro-capitalism Nazi party! Face it, this one can't be boiled down to black and white. Soviet Communism versus Nazism was bad versus bad. But until you can provide me receipts from Every Jew Who Ever Lived made payable to The International Communist Conspiracy To Sap, Weaken And Impurify Our Precious Bodily Fluids, your arguments are so mcuh generalized crap.

you tell me....Why does the US give billions of dollars to aid in Israel(more than any other nation in the WORLD)???

Because the US is richer than any other nation in the WORLD)??? Because Israel, for all its faults, is closer to a democracy than any other nation in the Middle Eastern WORLD)??? Because some fundamentalist Christians have very strange ideas about the Rapture and Israel's position in the WORLD)??? No, must be because the Holocaust was a lie. That's the answer to every question.

Don't be mad at me, I am just letting you know that your Jewish veil over the world is coming to an end.

I'm not mad at you, I think you're funny. Like Woody Allen.

You dont really think it would last forever? It's really too bad that you had to fuck with America, because thats when I got pissed off, and when you got me pissed off you fucked with the wrong American...just give me time....

So you can rest easier at night - I didn't fuck with you. You have dubious personal hygiene, and are ugly.

[Sadly, he didn't reply after that, and the thread was deleted by moderators soon afterwards. A shame - I was starting to like him.]

imdb, jews, holocaust denial, nazis

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