Mel Gibson's New Film, The Pashern a' the Chrisssshhtht

Jul 30, 2006 11:18

Best week ever for pissed celebrities; Mel Gibson is arrested for driving while pished, and the resulting feeling of indignity opens up his nastiest side with a tide of anti-Semitic abuse ( Read more... )

lindsay lohan, defamer, racism, the passion of the christ, links, jews, catholics, pcms, peter weir, al-key-hol, mel gibson, felicity huffman, braveheart

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Re: This is practically a novel, I know la_pasionaira July 30 2006, 14:36:05 UTC
thanks for your reply. if there was going to be a war. this would be a civil war of words, Can you throw a missile though the net :)
Why have the jews been oppressed throughout history, Why have they suffered so much prejudice? Why Hitler wanted to get rid of them ? It was not only jews who were exterminated but the gay, mentally ill, communist etc

why would you like to be born in a jew family ?
. That is a bit extreme, dont you think?

Ariel Sharon is well known for his hate of arabs. see el pais. com
anyway how wd you recognized a jew? there are 5.4 million in America, 600.000 in France
and 265.00 in the UK.

Irael was created in 1948 but the jews had been oppresed for centuries. And they they started to push the palestinians to dispair.

again now is the israelies trying to get rid of the libanese people with the help of the american government and indirectly the UK government.

Iam on the side of the dispossesed, the oppresed, the victimised....I am against injustice, fanaticism, cruzades and the politics of hate.

i want peace , i dont want children to die .....



Re: This is practically a novel, I know parma_violets July 30 2006, 20:37:25 UTC
Here's an example of why I feel the way I do. Holocaust Memorial Day is a day for the remembrance of all victims of the Nazi Shoah - Jewish, disabled, gypsy, gay, socialist, all of them. Iqbal Sacranie, who was then secretary of the Muslim Council of Great Britain, objected to the narrow focus of the day. Fair enough, if he wanted to start genocide day, he was chairman of one of the most powerful lobby groups in Britain. He could do that.

Except he wanted the ceremony to be less inclusive as well as more inclusive. It is the Jews, to me, who are willing to be more inclusive. It is my fellows on the left who I'm afraid seem to be suffering from tunnel vision.

Israel, for all its sins, which I do not deny, pulled out of Lebanon in 2000. All they got in return was missiles from the Hizbollah troops who went into those recently de-occupied areas. Isreal has done a great evil by bombing civilian areas of Lebanon. But surely Hizbollah has done a significant wrong by bombing Israel?

I want to condemn Israel more, ironically. Because it's our ally, and I think we should judge our allies to a higher standard than our enemies. Our enemies are beneath contempt, our allies should be held up as examples. Israel's conduct in the current war is reprehensible.

And yet we all have our cause to take up arms for. There are plenty of people in the British media at the moment sticking up for Muslims, but no-one sticking up for Jews. And I see more prejudice against Jews than Muslims these days.

My fondness for Jews lies in the fact that they support the democratic right of self-criticism with more tenacity than any other nation or race these days. When faced with something like this, they respond with something like this. The self-critical drive in Jewish culture is ver reminiscent of British culture to me. The religion of Judaism is based on study and criticism and different interpretations of the Torah. If any religion must survive into the modern era, it may as well be this one.

More than anything, I feel like I'm sandwiched in between two groups of morons; the right-wing morons saying the Middle East is all Muslims' fault, and the left-wing morons saying this is all Jews' fault. How am I supposed to act, as someone who accepts that both sides of this conflict need a slap? Would the Middle East really be better off under Hamas control?

Some appear to think so. One of the most prominent anti-Israeli pressure groups over here is the Palestinian Solidarity Foundation. I've always resisted joining it because... well, what sort of solidarity am I supposed to show with the Palestinians? I feel sorry that so many civilians are murdered in this mess, but ultimately I believe that a Hamas-controlled Middle East would be even worse than the one we've got now.


Re: This is practically a novel, I know la_pasionaira July 30 2006, 21:14:58 UTC
i understand what you are saying . I dont support the muslins or the jews , i actually dont know much about the jewish culture ,or judaism.
I was on the tube on 7/7 , fortunately i was on time otherwise i might not be here ....i have no time for religion which i see the root of all evil

i cried my eyes out with holocaust films. i see the holocaust as a huge aberration .Nobody sticks up for Israel because they are being the great bully. Although there was a demo pro israel in london last week. 5000 people I believe.

but why does the jews receive so much criticism? why are they so disliked?

it is a worrying picture , there must be some non violent dialogue between the two factions .Israel is fuelling the war by the killing of civilians, I bet all Libanese people support the
hizbullah now after the carnage today.
how many suicide bombers are on the make?


Re: This is practically a novel, I know parma_violets July 31 2006, 20:23:31 UTC
On most points here - on the Holocaust, on Israel as a bully, and on religion - we're in agreement.

As for why it's always the Jews who get singled out, who knows? Racists are not known for their level-headed rationality. One theory I've come up with is that after the destruction of the Muslim-Jewish peace that existed before the Crusades, the Jews were essentially left without a homeland. If they came to any country, they came as immigrants, and we know how immigrants are often treated.


Re: This is practically a novel, I know la_pasionaira July 31 2006, 20:35:39 UTC
my knowledge of history is not great. i had to phone my dad yesterday to ask him questions about what was happening.

because i fail to understand . i m curious about the history of jews and what happened
to make such a mess . i mean the bully becomes the bullied and viceversa

i saw this program about the hamas, last night , scary stuff


Re: This is practically a novel, I know parma_violets July 31 2006, 21:03:17 UTC
I feel the best way to learn about such things is as necessity takes you. Eight years ago I was so clueless I thought Mecca was a Jewish thing, but I think 9/11 really rubbed my nose in my own ignorance, and convinced me of the importance of learning about what's going on in the Middle East.

I'm still a long way from being an expert. I have a growing feeling that we're still, in some ways, sorting out the mess of the Crusades, but I have slim knowledge to back that thesis up.

I think learning about history is a good thing - it's fun, and casts a new light on what people think are straightforward, modern events. I hope you remain curious about what's going on, because curiosity is high on my list of good characteristics for people to have.

In terms of Jewish history, here are a couple of articles you might be interested in. I found these while researching The Loves of an English Anarchist; they concern Liberal or Reform Judaism and Jewish anarchism.


Re: This is practically a novel, I know la_pasionaira July 31 2006, 21:19:49 UTC
thanks fot that, yes i am very curious and i m planning to research the subject , thanks for those links . i will look at them. had too much wine tonight and i m feeling drowsy....

me going to the land of nod ,,,


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