I've Been To A Marvellous Party

May 22, 2006 15:32

Snatched moments from two days that shook the world. Well, Cambridge, at least.

Hester trying to work out whether Ashley, Roger or me looked better in a corset - Ill-advisedly singing Vatican Broadside by Half Man Half Biscuit at the top of our voices in the garden at one o'clock in the morning - Finding out that the nice if odd people in the corner were actually cpt_buggernuts and pink_sweater_uk - Gauging the reaction to Timothy Treadwell - Tim and Mark trying to sing John Milton's Paradise Lost to the tune of the Flintstones theme music - Mark's endless John Lumic impersonations - Toe-wrestling with Roger - The best punch ever - The mighty Cthulhu backpack! - Tim's theory about Himmler being frozen in Lucozade - Marcus pointing out the plot points we'd missed in Bulletproof Monk as if it made any sense - Tim sat on the sofa holding forth on everything and also making very little sense - Inadvertently downloading a copy of 'The Age of Steel' which was audio-described - Roger somehow - who knows how - knowing every single song I played over the whole weekend - Tim referring to Ringleader of the Tormentors as "the new Morrisons album" - Ants - Hearing Hugh Laurie shout "Rhino bollocks!" - Elisa's interesting book collection - Staying in bed until half past two on Sunday, vainly waiting for the throbbing head pain to go away - pink_sweater_uk quoting Ashley - cpt_buggernuts giving us all the lowdown on what's been happening on Outpost Shada of late - Us all wishing we didn't know what's been happening on Outpost Shada recently, immediately after hearing it - Giles extricating himself from a difficult situation by phoning his own house - pink_sweater_uk and me bitching into the night about Russell T Davies' yoof obsession - Tim hurling Werthers' Originals at people - Roger coming in from work, looking dead, and being revived by a 'bump' of wine - Nipple contest! - And many, many more...

half man half biscuit, hugh laurie, lewis brothers, mark, grizzly man, clarrie, cthulhu, kay, al-key-hol, roger, morrissey, hester, russell t davies

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