I Guess This'll Be The Opening Sentence To Beat For Anyone On My Friends Page

Oct 26, 2005 19:54

I'm thinking of joining a terrorist cell. Not, I hasten to add, because I think that violence is an acceptable solution to anything (happy now, MI5?), but because it seems to be the only way to get a career in journalism these days. Private Eye brings to light another theguardian staff member who's a member of a terrorist group, this month the inbred-sounding Benjamin Joffe-Walt, sympathizer with the Earth Liberation Front, which I know little about other than it sounds like Ra's Al Ghul's gang. Perhaps the constant accusations of "terrorist" (read:left-wing) sympathies from the right-wing blogosphere have caused the theguardian to fast-track a "terrorists only" recruitment policy - in which case, full marks for ballsiness, but minus five billion for putting out a paper which anyone can trust.

Ah well. Digging out a few of the classics tonight - Beck's Odelay, At The Drive-In's Relationship of Command and REM's Automatic For The People, which is simply lovely - the kind of music that everyone says Bruce Springsteen makes but he doesn't really. Then it's off to Dark Dreams and another chapter of Moll Flanders before bed.

posts that use the word "blogosphere", muzak, moll flanders, abominations of journalism

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