A Parma Violets LJ Spot The Difference Contest

Oct 22, 2005 05:51

We know, of course [said Christopher Hitchens in the Wall Street Journal], why the Nobel judges were so keen on this "very poor man's Beckett": they wanted to reward him for his rancid anti-Americanism and "pseudo-intellectual European hostility to the regime change in Iraq". Pinter is famous for his long pauses: let us hope for a long silence from this "thuggish bigmouth who has strutted and fretted his hour upon the stage for far too long".
From The Week #534, 22 October 2005, p. 21

In one bizarre case, she misrepresents the reasons for Carter's Nobel Prize, stating that it was awarded "for his masterful negotiation of the 1994 deal [the Agreed Framework with North Korea], though, in candor, he got the prize for North Korea only because the committee couldn't formally award a prize for Bush-bashing, which was the stated reason." (p. 233)
From Spinsanity.com, "With Treason, Ann Coulter once again defines a new low in America's political debate", June 30, 2003

ann coulter, politics

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