Apr 15, 2005 14:55
i made a box toady... tee hee... i mean today. I kind of am getting really into it. yay for 3-d class.
on a more serious note... i'm kind of worried about a friend of mine. I feel like i must always have a clingy emotionally unstable girl in my life at all times for some reason. I really don't try to do it on purpose. Maybe it's representative of my own clingy emotional instability and that's why we get along so well... but i can't be that bad. It's like... i don't know what it's like... but i need to distance myself, or help them, but i really don't have the time and energy or education to help. At least the current one is definately the least clingy and emotionally unstable as well as being the coolest of the three. all three seem to have substance abuse problems, or develop them while i'm fairly close with them. I just don't like it when someone shows up at my house to go out and is already quite drunk and unsuccessfully pretending to be sober. Drinking alone sometimes bothers me. well, i guess it depends. i have been known to give myself a shot every once in awhile when i'm just hanging around the house... but only when it's really tasty booze or if i can't fall asleep. I think it's weird to just drink beer by yourself. it's a different sort of drunk. i don't know. maybe i'm just being judgemental, but she's been so extreme high and extreme low lately and i'm having trouble handling her. i need space. i don't want to offend her at all though, because she's so sensitive... and she holds grudges.
i was thinking about this today and maybe it's because this is the first period that i've known her when i'm like the only one that hangs out with her regularly. Before, there's always been Lin and Tyson and Danielle and all sorts of people, but now it's getting down to just me.. and maybe that's what's difficult for her. i'm stressing over nothing... she'll get over it and i'll get over it and it'll probably be fine. but if she ever read this, she would probably be really pissed. I don't like that. she also never listens to what i say and is so loud, kind of like Jodi... actually a lot like Jodi. I get really tired of repeating myself when i could just say something once if she'd listened the first two times. i feel mean, she's really cool and one of the better friends i've had... but i need alone time.
it's time for "My Year of Meats".