Jan 05, 2005 18:05
oy ve. right then. its been something of an exhausting week thus far, spending most of my time either asleep, at work, or drinking. i know, under that heading every week is an exhausting one, i know. but seriously, i don't know why, i've just been a busy bee. anyway, things and stuff, because apparently i'm so prolific in my live journal that i'm no longer interesting to a certain person, sooo, i'll save the stories for him and the rest of you can just be left hanging...ha.
i resolve to make myself a real job by may. by any means neccesary. seriously. you know what I'm talking about.
i love ryan adams. yes oh yes i do.
berkholder turns 21 tonight. haha. i see drunken haze written all the fuck over this one. unless someone else extends a better offer. and i'll bet he doesn't. because i think he has to work tonight.
i got to hang out with brooks last night, and i had a really good time. and because he actually said "and i'm sure, you're going to write in your live journal that i entertained you with video games"...he entertained me with video games. and you know what? that was alright. in fact, it was...entertaining. one of those few people in the world i'm just content to be with...doesn't matter much what we're really doing. right. moving on.
tonight, while at work (as in, moments ago, since I'm still here), jen and i decided that we were going to take down tripp's stupid "leave that one, because i did it" display and put something more...interesting up. so we're doing a modest mouse display and an iron maiden display, as i love the first one dearly, and the second one is...well...ironic and great. because, hell, its iron maiden. hahaha. so thats the arts and crafts project we're taking on to quell the boredom that is a weds night at the record exchange.
at the moment i'm actually sitting here watching this skivvy kid attempt (i think) to lift a record. so many people who come in here are just such complete morons (i think this is the case with the vast majority of humanity..but..anyway)..i guess we'll see if he's going to figure this out or if i'm going to have to stand in front of the door with the baseball bat (i wouldn't fuck with me...)
i realized the other night, i snore. i mean, i knew i snored. how could i not realize it. but, i mean, wow. and i've looked into ways to make it less bad...not drinking before i go to sleep is one...i wish i could turn back time and get my face unbroken, i think that has a lot to do with it, but short of having my palate and jaw and nose reset, i don't think its going to help. all those years of sticking drugs up my nose probably didn't help the situation either...its a miracle i have a septum, really. but anyway...i just thought everyone should know. i snore like a mofo. ha.
i think thats it. really. night all.