Wow, I've not been up to a lot today but I've managed to get a variation of photos x3 The flowers are from the window, another set me and Dad bought to look at a little, before perhaps putting outside, or waiting for it to die off then putting it into the greenhouse to replant next year...we'll figure it out!
I think Spyro is going to have more eggs soon, she's been scrabling in the tank again and I've had to take her for a walk round the house to quiet her down a bit, I've given her a nesting box too but at the moment she just doesn't want to know! She really loves being out atm though, usually her chin goes darker the longer you hold her for, but today she stayed this super bright yellow for about an hour, so cute x3
The pullips haven't been getting a lot of attention lately either, so today I took Matinée out to check out the frozen birdbath.
Lastly, Dad made some cakes for pudding, I put sprinkles on them x3 Noooom!
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